Saint Joseph's University 

Alpha Phi

Welcome to our website! We are the Theta Theta chapter at Saint Joseph's University. Here we will share all of our recruitment information, upcoming events, and all other necessary information for our chapter. We hope that you find everything you are looking for, if not feel free to contact any member on our executive team!

Love always,

The Sisters of Alpha Phi <3

A Letter From Our President, 

Julianna Bottoni

Hi everyone! My name is Julianna Bottoni and I am the current President of the Theta Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi at Saint Joseph’s University!

Participating in recruitment as a freshman was one of the best things I did for myself during my time at Saint Joes. I met so many amazing women from every Chapter and knew that becoming a part of the Greek community was the right option for me. During recruitment, I ultimately knew I found my home in Alpha Phi after having so many meaningful conversations with the people that would soon be my sisters.

What I love the most about our Chapter is our continued devotion to benefitting our Philanthropy, Women’s Heart Health. Between various fundraisers such as Phifa, Mr. Heartthrob, and of course Red Dress Gala, Alpha Phi always goes above and beyond to raise money for our cause.

I have gained so many valuable life lessons, leadership skills, and everlasting friendships because of our Chapter and I am forever grateful. It is an honor to serve as our Chapter President, and I cannot put into words how meaningful it is to be a member of the Theta Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi at Saint Joseph’s University. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us!